Art is world-making. My work explores symbiotic co-creation with earth beings. I am focused on becoming-with trees through the creation of site specific sculptures utilizing local materials. We dream reality into being, and my dream is a reality composed of multilayered living infrastructures that unify human and environmental health in the creation of symbiotic harmonies.
The intensification of anthropogenic influences on the biosphere calls for the creation of new mythologies grounded in symbiopoiesis, the interwoven co-formulation of self and world through mutual recognition and entanglement. I deeply resonate with deeply with the ideas of Donna Haraway, Agnes Denes, Anna Tsing, Isamu Noguchi, Antoni Gaudi, Masanobu Fukuoka, and Buckminster Fuller, and hope to bring together artists, and scientists in the creation of a transformative framework for the bio-synthesis of a paradigm shift from the economization of life to entangled living mythologies grounded in a vision of a living breathing earth. My work also explores biomaterials, ranging from fungal mycelium, bacterial cellulose, and microalgae, to living trees. Through the formation of rituals that recognize the life force of the organisms with which I collaborate, an art piece emerges as a conversation between beings, a symbiotic dalliance, through which both self and other are remolded. I am currently working beginning on a journey to form a dialogue with trees through the conception of evolutionary architecture that grows alongside its human inhabitant.