Fungal Worldings: Food, Medicine, Textiles, and Companion Species
G lucidem on hemp 2021
Mycelium panels I grew on the Bio-informatic digester for Terreform ONE. Panels were grown from blue oyster that I got from smallhold in Brooklyn:
Blue oyster Mushrooms grown on pasteurized Straw for food
Reishi Mushroom Mycelium Sporulation Hat
I grew this hat out of Ganoderma lucidem mycelium from spore ( I investigated the ability of this fungi to bind post-industrial fabric waste, in this case organic wool felt, into wearable garments. The felt was pressure cooked for 1hour at 15psi after soaking in the water that I cooked rye grain in to add nutrients. This hat, although no longer living, continues to distribute spores as the wearer walks.